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How to be Enlightened(要如何才能開悟?)

發表於 2015-3-28 23:15 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 雨忠 於 2015-10-28 22:39 編輯

SubjectHow to be Enlightened=  Master Qilin

Qilin Master:Everyone is a piece of blank paper at birth, and scriptures take large creditduring the period of early cultivation. Many scriptures serve the purpose ofenlightenment. If there is no one to guide for advancement after one beenenlightened, only insist on the content of scriptures for the rest of one’slife, one will be trapped in the beauty of scriptures. “True scripture is notin the books nor words”, it means a book of scripture is not a true scripture,a written form of scripture is not a true scripture. Why true explanation doesnot explain directly, but using so many implicit metaphors? True explanationcan not be explained directly in one day, but it may take two or three days,and some day it can be explained clearly.
Qilin Master:After been enlightened, you will understand the relationship between heaven andearth, the difference between body and soul. It enables you during meditationto understand the drive of all conscious, to distinguish reality and spiritualillusion, and not falling into thick fog. You will clearly understand the greatdepth of true self nature and principle of the universe. Able to understandthere is effect within cause, and cause within effect, and return to theoriginal state of new born soul. Although your body is in this mortal world,but you know you will return to nature, the spiritual world. Since youunderstand this principle, you will relief the knowledge in this mortal world,and gradually return to your natural state, and comply with the order ofspiritual world, to prepare for the eternal life in the future. This is themost simple explanation for the “Zhongtian Zen Cultivation Principle”. Howeveryou must have solid background in zen cultivation to enter such stage, applyingTaoism and Buddhism as foundation, “see mountain as mountain, see mountain isnot mountain” to enter the high level of spiritual cultivation.
Qilin Master: Oncea cultivator has clearly understand the evolution principle of the universe,whose character will shine significantly, and able to relief oneself from thepain of living, aging, sickness, and death. Miracles often appear in the sceneof zen meditation, the halo of spirit will appear, and six sense will becomemore acute. Everyone has character of Buddha inside, with complete true selfnature, however without receiving any guidance from outside, the covered heartwould never see its clear day. If a cultivator receives fist hand guidance froma high level zen master, with adequate adjustment, the heart will be cleared tosee its true nature, then one will becomes a Buddha, which is reachablesomeday. Zen meditation can clear all the physical, mental and psychologicalblocks, and living in the life of happiness, no worrisome and care free. Usinglimited life time to create unlimited space, using fraction of merit to createeternal life. Understand the principle of reincarnation of lives in universe,receiving the wisdom of evolution within universe, experience the wonder ofheavenly heart, the great vow for descending to earth, and returning to thepure and original state.
Qilin Master: Manypeople can make long opinion on the topic of “enlightenment”, however it needsreal background to enter this magical door. In Buddhism it calls “open theheavenly eye”; in Taoism it calls “enlightenment”. Qilin Master explainsenlightenment in simple language: It can be categorized in two types, “gradual”and “instant” enlightenment. So called “instant” enlightenment which isreconnecting the cultivation from previous lives. One suddenly connect thememory from previous lives through a scripture, a sentence or an event, and ithappens in an “instant”. It depends on the progress of your previouscultivation to decide your level. Another type of “instant” enlightenment isone suddenly understand the entire principles among the mortal world. Thisphenomena is mixed with event and theory, sometimes it is not the highest form,and sometimes it goes to extreme or turns to the evil side of direction.Therefore “instant” enlightenment is not a safe method. “Gradual” means slowly,which needs time to make progress, but it requires a good teacher for guidancewith correct method in order to achieve higher level. If one unable to makegradual progress, even with long time of cultivation, one still not able to reachhigh level, Therefore it needs correct method of guidance. In Zhongtian Famen,enlightenment means opening the magical wisdom, utilizing the method of zencultivation to make one comply with the standard of heavenly status after life.So called “using the mortal body to cultivate the immortal soul”, convert thisordinary body into the body of cultivation. Sitting quietly does not mean doingnothing, and not mistakenly think quietly cultivation is same as reachingheaven! If one unable to comply with requirement of heaven, all efforts ofcultivation is useless! Therefore enlightenment is the path for reachingheavenly status!
The cultivation inZhongtian includes the subjects in theory and real cultivation practice. Thereason for us to take extra lessons is to cultivate, in order to comply withheavenly orders.


Planning: 雨忠






       麒麟法師: 『「開悟」很多人都可以長篇大論,入不入玄牝之門,要見真章!佛教叫「開天眼」,儒道教叫「開悟」。「開悟」麒麟很簡潔的說:可分為「漸」與「頓」。所謂「頓」就是承接前世之修行,因為某經典某一句話或某一件事,忽然承接前世的記憶,就是「頓」。等級高不高,看你前世修到哪裡。另一種「頓」,忽然間明白世間的一切道理,這是事理互摻的道理。有時候不是最高級的,有時候不一定是正確的,有時候根本就是走入極端或走火入魔,所以「頓」不是很保險的正念。「漸」,就是慢慢的意思,長時間漸次的漸進。然要有好的老師引導,漸進導入正念,達到高層次。如果無法漸進進道上升,就算修的時間長久,也不能達到高的層次,所以都要符合正念正道。在中天法門而言:「開悟就是開啟妙智慧,進而以禪修之法,使符合法界往生後果位要求的標準,所謂的藉假修真、轉換凡體為修道之體。」靜坐不是甚麼都不做,也不要誤認修靜就是究竟!如無法合乎法界道的要求,修道一切枉然!所以「開悟」就是開啟通往果位的大道!中天之法有術科的部分和實際修煉的部份。為什麼我們要另外上課,就是修練實際符合法界之法!』[4]






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