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2024 Pre-register for Class 26 Seminar + Admission

發表於 2023-10-14 17:02 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 雨忠 於 2023-10-14 17:05 編輯

2024 Pre-register for Class 26 Seminar +Admission

The first day of class 26 will be a class26 seminar + class 26 entrance. (Scheduled for January 2024.)
Class 26, Day 1-1,is a make-up seminar for Class 26 + make-up entrance for Class 26. (Scheduledfor January 2024.)

A total of 2 formal seminars + admissions are scheduled forClass 26, both of which will be held on Sundays. If you are not able to attendboth sessions, there will be no additional entry for Class 27.
The 1 day class and the 1-1 day class aremainly based on the flexibility of the new students of class 26. It isimportant to attend at least one day of the 1 day class and 1-1 day class. Ofcourse, it is best to attend both days. If you attend only one of the two days,you will not be considered absent and will not need to make up the class. Afterthe second day of class 26, classes will be held as normal.

(After registration, if you have a mailbox,the official will send 3 notifications; if you do not have a mailbox and have acell phone, the official will send 2 SMS notifications.)

1=26 class seminars + entrance, expected tobe held in January of 2024, 1-1 will also be held in January, with 2 seminars +entrance, both on Sundays in 2024.

2=Location of the seminar: Tainan City,Dongshan District, ZhongTian Main Altar. (During the main dharma period ofZhongtian Famen, the centralized dharma sessions are held at the Dongshan mainaltar.)

3=Application method: Sister or brother canapply for the seminar + entrance by email or in person, and only when youreceive the class number of 26 will you be officially registered. (If you don'thave a mailbox, please use the phone to notify the instructor when you receivethe approval letter. If you do not have a mailbox and have a cell phone, theofficial will send a second SMS notification.

4=Early registration by appointment iswelcome and will be kept on file. For those who have a cell phone without amailbox, the official will also send a text message to inform you.
5=As ZhongTian Famen is a systematicteaching, the subjects are open to the public, and the techniques will betaught by Master Kirin himself, which is a separate teaching. (Transportationand meals will be assisted by a special unit of staffs.)

6 = Although the traffic is far away, thegain or loss can offset the suffering in the destiny, but it is also a kind ofhappiness

7=Appointment for the seminar + entrance,you can receive a letter back within a week, you do not need to reply. If youdo not receive a letter from the mailbox, please write to us. If you have notreceived a letter by mail, please send a letter to us. (If you have a cellphone and do not use a mailbox, the official will send a notification letter tothe applicant by SMS.)

8=The venue of the seminar is located atthe ZhongTian Main Altar, Section 2, XinDong Road, Dongshan District, TainanCity, next to the Hsu HsiuCai Creative Garden, Dongshan District, on Sundays.Sister and brothers who take the tour bus will receive a reminder letter closerto the date of the seminar + entrance, which will include contact or registrationinformation for the tour bus. (You can also drive yourself to the interchangeunder the first high camping, and the second high white river interchange.)

9=Please reserve a seating space for yourchild. If you are a minor, when you take the tour bus, please also reserve aseat. You can bring your own child or ask the guardian team to bring your childduring the class, but for children who recognize others or need to be fed,please stay by your side and take care of them yourself.

10=If you have been listed in the seminar,please report to the Auxiliary Officer team at the address, date, and timelisted in the notification letter approved by the Internet mailbox, and beseated by the Seminar Officer team when you arrive at the Main Altar.

11=When you apply, please use Chinese tofill in your name correctly (to avoid affecting your rights in the future), andfill in your age in the year of the Western format. Please fill in all theother parts truthfully.

12 = When the dharma day is near, theguides will give you encouragement and date reminder to the new studentsattending the seminar. Classes are held one day a week for 2 to 3 weeks, all onSundays, and are completed after 12 pujas.

13=In order to have an ideal future forlifelong learning, many trips are required, and the transportation is for thedifficulties of faith, wishes and deeds, but it can offset the difficulties indestiny. Therefore, the new admissions will be made by the brothers and sistersin Taiwan.

Although there are thousands of hills andthousands of miles, the distance seems to be a loss, but in the future, it is again in faith and vows. If I can achieve the goal with all my efforts in mylife, I am satisfied with my wish! There is still a waiting period for the 26thclass seminar, you can visit the official website or join the ZhongTian FamenGarden to browse, "Waiting is also a kind of practice". I apologizefor keeping you waiting.
Master Kirin blesses you with peace =Zhongtian Wuwuji

Please register by email: Master Kirin'semail: cup2942@gmail.com

Class of 2024 seminar 26 + Admission,Enrollment Form. Student Number:  
2=Phone or cell phone:
3=E-mail: (please fill in correctly)
6=Age: (please enter year).
7=Marital status:
10 = Guide (Introducer): (Up to 2 guidescan be filled in, no change after filling in.)

Words of encouragement:
If you think you are a piece of jade, thenyour nature is good, no matter how primitive the jade is on the outside, itwill become a shining pearl in the future. It does not matter if you are richor poor, or if you have a high self-esteem or pride, the important thing iswhether you have a heart of truth and whether you are willing to improve, nomatter how big the storm is outside, the heart of achieving the futurefirst-class stars will never change, if so, welcome to join the Zhongtian FamenKirin team of stars.

Preliminary briefing before the seminar:
The seminar + entrance is a formal ceremonyin Taipei City, Taichung City, Tainan City, Dongshan District, Kaohsiung City,etc... If the organizer of each district requests it before the seminar, theseminar may be held. (The seminar is a reminder of monasticism, and is not thesame as the formal seminar + initiation. You are welcome to join us for aDharma talk and be filled with joy)

Zhongtian Famen Kirin Helpers Team:(Welcome inquiries from those who have not yet joined or those who areinterested in not joining.)







2=座談會地點:台南市東山區   中天總壇舉行。(中天法門正法期,集中法會,都在東山總壇上課。




8=座談會集中法會地點都在台南市東山區新東路二段, 中天總壇,東山區許秀才創意花園旁,都選在星期日,北部、中部或南部的學員,可利用北部、中部與南部的自費遊覽車,在交流道上下車,可直達總壇,當天往返。搭乘自費遊覽車的師兄、師姐,會在較臨近







請網路信箱報名:麒麟法師信箱: cup2942@gmail.com







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