本帖最後由 雨忠 於 2019-7-18 00:01 編輯
2020 23rdclass symposium reservation and registration - Master Qilin
1=23rd class symposium, estimated to be held in April andMay 2020, a total of 2 symposium.
2=Venue: The Xu Xiucai Zhongtian General Altar in DongshanDistrict, Tainan City. (Zhongtian Famen Righteous Period, Aggregated religious meeting.)
3=Registration method: The brother-and-sister agent can assist register online or register in person. If the student number isreceived, the registration will be successful. (If there is no e-mail address, please ask your guide to use the SMS message notify you when receiving the approval notice. When the date of the symposium isapproached, the official will give a approachingdate remindernotice, the ones with e-mail address will receive e-mail notification; the ones without e-mail address, the official willalso use SMSnotifications.
4=Welcome to make an appointment forearly registration. It will be archived. When the symposium isnear, the Master will send a separate notice. If it is the agent help toreceive e-mail for theapplicant, the Master willinform the guide individually by special e-mail, the guide must fulfill the responsibility.
5=ZhongTian Famen is a systemic education, with opendiscipline courses, and practical courses given by Master Qilin himself. Notuition fee is required, transportation and meals are at one’s own expense.(There are dedicated units that provide assistant for transportation and meals)
6=Although there is a long-distancetransportation, it is a kind of happiness to overcome the fate of bitterness.
7=Reservation of the registrationsymposium, you will receivea letter of reply within one week, and you do not need to reply. If you havenot received the e-mail reply,please write the e-mail for enquiry. When the symposium time is approaching, a specialletter will be sent to remind you of the notice. If you have not received theletter, please contact us by e-mail. (Approvals for registration and reply, alluse e-mail tocommunicate, the applicant does not use the e-mail and has a mobile phone, the guide will uses the SMS to forward the notice tothe applicant.)
8=The symposium will be held at the Xu Xiucai Zhongtian General Altar inDongshan District, Tainan City. It will beon Sunday, and the students from the north, central or south can use theself-funded buses in thenorth, central and south to get on and off at the interchange. Round trip on the same day.Participants who travel at their own expense will be reminded at a later datewith a contact or a method toregister for the bus. (Youcan also drive by yourself.)
9=For those students who bring children andtraveling on the bus, pleasealso get seats for your children onthe bus. If you have children, youcan bring your own or entrust the team of the guardian to take care ofthem. For child who rely only you or the child who needsbreastfeeding. Please stay with you and take care of yourself.
10=If you have alreadylogged into the symposium list,please report it to the assistant team according to the address, date and timeon the e-mail approval notice, and arrange your seat by the team of the panelists.
11=When registering, please fill inin Chinese, the name should be correct (free of affecting your rights in thefuture), age: fill with western year. For other parts, please fill in truthfully.
12=When the religious meeting day is approaching, the guide must encourage and remind the new participants of thesymposium. The class will last for about 2 to 3 weeks and the day will be heldon Sunday. After 12 courses, theywill be qualified to complete the course.
Although it takeslong distance to reach main temple, it may seem that you loose something fromthe traveling, but in the future you actually gain for yourfaith, will, and action. It may take your whole lifetime of efforts to achieve,but all wishes are fulfilled! There are stillsome time until the 23rd class symposium, you can browse official website or joinZhongTian Famen Activity Corner. “Waiting is alsopart of cultivation”. I apologize foryour waiting. Master Qilin blessyou peace = Zhongtian Wuwuji Please register online: MasterQilin e-mail address:cup2942@yahoo.com.tw
2020 23rd class symposium registration form 1=Name: 2=Phone or mobile phone: 3=E-mail: 4=Personal blog URL: 5=Address: 6=Gender: 7=Age (please fill in western year): 8=Marital status: 9=Occupation: 10=Education: 11=Guide (introducer):
Words ofEncouragement: If you see yourselfas a piece of jade, then you have a goodhearted nature. No matter how rough the surface of this jade, being polish byZhongTian, you shall become a shinning luminous pearl. It does not matter ifyou are rich or poor, education level is high or low, put down your persistingin ego and pride. Important is whether if you have a heart to search for truth,whether if you are willing to put effort diligently. No matter how big thestorm outside is, the heart to achieve the First Class Elite Star never change.If so, welcome to join the Elite Star team of ZhongTian Famen Qilin Group.
2=座談會地點:台南市東山區許秀才 中天總壇舉行。(中天法門正法期,集中法會。)
8=座談會地點在台南市東山區許秀才 中天總壇,會選在星期日,北部、中部或南部的學員,可利用北部、中部與南部的自費遊覽車,在交流道上下車,可直達總壇,當天往返。搭乘自費遊覽車的學員,會在較後面的日期提醒信,附上連絡或登記遊覽車的方式。(亦可自行開車前往。)
2020年23班座談會報名表 1=姓名: 2=電話或手機: 3=電子信箱: 4=個人部落格網址: 5=住址: 6=性別: 7=年齡(請填西元年): 8=婚姻: 9=職業: 10=學歷: 11=引導(介紹人):