Qilin Master:Everyone is a piece of blank paper at birth, andscriptures take large creditduring the period of early cultivation. Manyscriptures serve the purpose ofenlightenment. If there is no one to guide foradvancement after one beenenlightened, only insist on the content of scripturesfor the rest of one’slife, one will be trapped in the beauty of scriptures.“True scripture is notin the books nor words”, it means a book of scripture isnot a true scripture,a written form of scripture is not a true scripture. Whytrue explanation doesnot explain directly, but using so many implicitmetaphors? True explanationcan not be explained directly in one day, but it maytake two or three days,and some day it can be explained clearly.
Qilin Master:After been enlightened, you will understandthe relationship between heaven andearth, the difference between body and soul.It enables you during meditationto understand the drive of all conscious, todistinguish reality and spiritualillusion, and not falling into thick fog. Youwill clearly understand the greatdepth of true self nature and principle of theuniverse. Able to understandthere is effect within cause, and cause withineffect, and return to theoriginal state of new born soul. Although your body isin this mortal world,but you know you will return to nature, the spiritualworld. Since youunderstand this principle, you will relief the knowledge inthis mortal world,and gradually return to your natural state, and comply withthe order ofspiritual world, to prepare for the eternal life in the future.This is themost simple explanation for the “Zhongtian Zen CultivationPrinciple”. Howeveryou must have solid background in zen cultivation to entersuch stage, applyingTaoism and Buddhism as foundation, “see mountain asmountain, see mountain isnot mountain” to enter the high level of spiritualcultivation.
Qilin Master: Oncea cultivator has clearlyunderstand the evolution principle of the universe,whose character will shinesignificantly, and able to relief oneself from thepain of living, aging,sickness, and death. Miracles often appear in the sceneof zen meditation, thehalo of spirit will appear, and six sense will becomemore acute. Everyone hascharacter of Buddha inside, with complete true selfnature, however withoutreceiving any guidance from outside, the covered heartwould never see its clearday. If a cultivator receives fist hand guidance froma high level zen master,with adequate adjustment, the heart will be cleared tosee its true nature, thenone will becomes a Buddha, which is reachablesomeday. Zen meditation can clearall the physical, mental and psychologicalblocks, and living in the life ofhappiness, no worrisome and care free. Usinglimited life time to createunlimited space, using fraction of merit to createeternal life. Understand theprinciple of reincarnation of lives in universe,receiving the wisdom ofevolution within universe, experience the wonder ofheavenly heart, the greatvow for descending to earth, and returning to thepure and original state.
Qilin Master: Manypeople can make long opinion on the topic of“enlightenment”, however it needsreal background to enter this magical door. InBuddhism it calls “open theheavenly eye”; in Taoism it calls “enlightenment”.Qilin Master explainsenlightenment in simple language: It can be categorized intwo types, “gradual”and “instant” enlightenment. So called “instant”enlightenment which isreconnecting the cultivation from previous lives. Onesuddenly connect thememory from previous lives through a scripture, a sentenceor an event, and ithappens in an “instant”. It depends on the progress of yourpreviouscultivation to decide your level. Another type of “instant”enlightenment isone suddenly understand the entire principles among the mortalworld. This phenomenais mixed with event and theory, sometimes it is not thehighest form, andsometimes it goes to extreme or turns to the evil side ofdirection. Therefore“instant” enlightenment is not a safe method. “Gradual”means slowly, whichneeds time to make progress, but it requires a good teacherfor guidance withcorrect method in order to achieve higher level. If one unableto make gradualprogress, even with long time of cultivation, one still not ableto reach highlevel, Therefore it needs correct method of guidance. In ZhongtianFamen,enlightenment means opening the magical wisdom, utilizing the method ofzencultivation to make one comply with the standard of heavenly status afterlife.So called “using the mortal body to cultivate the immortal soul”, convertthisordinary body into the body of cultivation. Sitting quietly does not meandoingnothing, and not mistakenly think quietly cultivation is same asreachingheaven! If one unable to comply with requirement of heaven, all effortsofcultivation is useless! Therefore enlightenment is the path forreachingheavenly status! The cultivation inZhongtian includes the subjects intheory and real cultivation practice. Thereason for us to take extra lessons isto cultivate, in order to comply withheavenly orders.