本帖最後由 雨忠 於 2015-10-28 22:42 編輯
Subject:Habit and Destiny By Master Qilin
People have inborn nature characteristic, plusthe body in this lifetime. Inborn nature comes from habit and destinyaccumulated during the past lives, the body of reality in this lifetime needsmaintenance and preservation, using cultivation to improve habit and bodyinertia. If there is lack of cooperation in the state of mind, then inertia andimprovement often unable to blend together. This type of phenomena willreappear during early stage cultivation. Even for enlightened people who wouldhave this reappearing situation at early stage. As for senior enlightenedpeople who could not put down his ego, and not able to choose what is good withperseverance, will also have such reappearing situation occur. Because peopleonly see the world in reality, without the vision of future glory, limiting bythe rule of reincarnation, and not able to take a trip to the future with theirbody. Even with profound advancement of technology, people still unable to prove or break through the barrier of birth, old age, sickness and death. Underthe circumstance of unable to make prove, religions have been accompany humanbeings for the past few thousand years, without leaving. People can manage thisearth, but deities are the masters of this universe.
If I work hard this month, early next month, I will be able to receive salaryfor this month of work, which is an immediate type of compensation, and sometimescomplain not receiving enough salary from the employer. Master Qilin oftensays: “cultivation has to see its result”. Long term cultivation needs long termdevotion, and in the end, make settlement at once. Can you accept this method?!Whether if you accept it or not, the rule of reincarnation has not change sincethe beginning of time. All mankind receive the same treatment no matter iftheir status are high or low. Make settlement at once is a test for endurance,which is the main reason for so few achievers among so many cultivators.
Sense can be learned in the cultivation courses, habit can be improved duringpractice. If state of mind continue to be your obstacle of habit, there is aninquiry system in Zhongtian to help you. Although you need to wait in line forthe inquiry, but it is certainly much better than struggling alone by yourself.
Planning: 雨忠