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Zhongtian Famen Introduction(中天簡介)

發表於 2015-3-30 20:25 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 雨忠 於 2015-10-28 22:37 編輯

Zhongtian Famen Introduction

Greetings noble fellows

Welcome to Zhongtian Activities Corner. Before, people on earth only know the spiritual realm of West Heavens, and only know to have good heart, cultivate, and do good deeds.. etc, those matters on preaching goodness to others. But all have no idea on “who” is responsible to maintain and operate the proper movement of stars, the sequence of seasons, the intertwine changing of yin and yang, the fortune of people, the recording of sins and merits, the life cycle of all livings, and the most of important of all, the karma of reincarnation...etc. Some might say, it is “heaven” that operates. It's true, it's “heaven”, and such “heaven” is the administrative department of “Zhongtian”(central heaven), which is different from the “educational purpose” of “West Heavens”.
The head master of “Zhongtian Famen” is Master Qilin, who received the Fahan (official representation of spiritual group to exercise its power, similar to the function of a scepter) of Zhongtian, and via Wuwuji Thunder Prime Minister, appointed for enlightenment. The main reason is because most people only know how to make short term enjoyment in this world, their hearts are hard to cultivate, plus at this ending era of religions, very few people can make real big achievement. Second reason is, the positions in Zhongtian administration department are in extreme short supply, and not many staffs are available from the educative department of West Heavens to fulfill these positions.

We are all lucky to receive the mercy from the Wuwuji Great Jade Emperor, to wide spread “Zhongtian” and save the souls, by dropping down the golden thread to this world, appoint Qilin as master, to wide spread this great religion, and the principles of the universe, to let the determined practitioners gain the real truth, without wondering around in this world, and relief from the cycle of reincarnation.

Zhongtian Famen is focused on real practice of spiritual cultivation, embracing the Three Treasures, and following four steps of cultivation. The practicing steps in Zhongtian Famen are in accordance with the standard of spiritual realm. When reaching the state of enlightenment, one will know that “spiritual energy” is the source for Buddha nature, plus the “merits” of helping and saving the souls of others, are the bases of obtaining the heavenly status. Only through cultivating the spirit, one can transform his physical body into deity body, and reaching the state of “extracting medicine by the spirit”, and returning to the realm of Wuji, which is the best explanation of “proving heavenly status on a mortal body”.

Zhongtian Famen is a method of “accomplish within one lifetime”, not “continue through multiple lives”. It can be sure that your soul can achieve great accomplishment during this lifetime, and forever holding heavenly status. Wish all people with fate could come to cultivate and be saved with us together.




「中天法門」師尊 麒麟法師,應運承接中天法界之法函,並經由「中天無無極 雷祖大天尊」「點化得道」;究其因,眾生只知沉迷人間短暫享樂,以致其心難渡,再加上末法時期難有成就,而有大成就者比以前少,此為其一;二者,中天法界公務仙佛缺額甚多,西天教育單位發生無法派出足夠員額任職的情形。

眾生有幸得「中天無無極至尊 玉皇上帝大天尊」垂憐,廣開「中天」普渡,金線垂降人間,以 麒麟法師為宗,廣傳無上大法、宇宙大道,讓有心修道者,得以求得真解,不再浮沉人海、脫離輪迴。



翻譯    建豐    校正  軒忠 中萍


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